This course is for candidates who want to:
- engage with the principles and concepts of teaching and learning to improve
their effectiveness as teachers - gain the knowledge, skills and understanding to support an inclusive approach
to teaching and learning - use opportunities to try something new in their classroom practice
- engage with colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice
- develop a reflective approach to the development of their professional
practice - progress their teaching career.

- Course duration: Approximately 18 – 20 weeks
- Mode of delivery: in-person/zoom/Moodle
- Course structure: 3 units (approx. 5 – 7 weeks in duration each)
- Candidate: employed either full time or part time (if part time for a minimum of 24 weeks,6 hours per week). Class size – minimum 6 learners.
- Registration: completion of application form with certified copy of ID, confirmation letter from school where teaching.
Mentor: each candidate must have a mentor. Mentor can be shared with other candidates. Mentor is there to support, guide and observe candidate teaching. Mentor will need to set aside time to meet the candidate once a week or every 2 weeks. Mentor will be required to complete observation forms. GCTC will offer support and guidance for mentors.
Time dedicated to course: approximately one to two hours’ a week worth of reading, contributions to discussion forums. 2/3 in-person workshops per unit – approximately between 3 – 4 hours.
- Mode of delivery: in-person/zoom/moodle Course structure: 3 units (approx. 5 – 7 weeks in
duration each)
- Assessments:Assignments are completed at the end of each unit. At the end of the course, these will then be posted via online to Cambridge for marking. Assignments include a practical component (lessons taught by candidate and short write ups (400 -800 words) in response to questions.

The Cambridge International Diploma in Teaching and Learning is for candidates who
want to:
- Critically engage with the principles and concepts of teaching and learning to
improve their effectiveness as teachers - Gain further knowledge, skills and understanding to develop inclusive
approaches to teaching and learning - Use opportunities to adopt different approaches to teaching and learning to
improve their own practice and their students’ learning - Collaborate with colleagues to improve professional knowledge and practice
- Develop their reflective practice skills to evaluate and improve their classroom
practice - Improve their classroom practice using the process of practitioner inquiry
- Progress their teaching career.
Course Content
Unit one
Unit two
Learning Outcomes:
A:Explaining their understanding of the concept of learning and how people learn
B:Reviewing teaching methods and learning activities they use in their practice that engage and motivate learners to learn
C:Explaining their understanding of the term ‘assessment’.
D:Identifying and explaining key features of what they think makes an effective lesson, and evaluate the impact any new learning will have on their future professional practice.
E:Plan a lesson that has clear aims and objectives and a coherent structure.
F:Teach a lesson using active learning approaches to engage and motivate students to learn.
G:Teach a lesson in which students’ learning is regularly checked at suitable stages using appropriate formative
assessment methods.
H:Evaluate a lesson using feedback from their mentor and their own reflections to inform future practice.
Unit three
Sample topics
I:Plan a sequence of lessons that are coherent and have well-defined links to previous learning and the
learning objectives.
J:Teach lessons that are effectively managed using active learning strategies and where learning is often
K:Teach lessons using formative assessment methods to support and monitor the students’ learning.
L:Evaluate lessons to identify strengths and areas for further development in classroom practice
‘Teaching methods and activities that motivate and engage learners’
‘Assessment -its importance and purpose’
‘Reflection and evaluation’
‘Key features of an effective lesson’